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Property Management

Why Us for Property Management?

You're in Safe Hands

Choosing the right agency to manage your investment is nearly as important as choosing the right property. Our management department was re-engineered from the ground up in 2010 and maintains the highest standards in the industry.

Since then, hundreds of investors have switched to Nelson Bay Real Estate, and now Tilligerry Real Estate is bringing the same client based system to Tanilba Bay, Mallabula and Lemon Tree Passage.

A Little History About Our Property Management

In 2009 we decided to make what was a big change for our business. We wanted a property management department that could offer more than our competitors. That could give investors peace of mind. We conducted interviews with numerous landlords, tenants, and other real estate agents, and spent hundreds of hours investigating property management systems from around the country.

The result is a system that aligns the interests of the agent with those of our clients, and ends with a better outcome for everyone. Less problems, less property damage, less tribunal visits, and more rental income. Our core values are PREVENTION and COMMUNICATION.

We guarantee:

  • Regular routine inspections are guaranteed
  • Inspections are conducted by experienced property managers.
  • Comprehensive rent reviews are compiled regularly.
  • Incredibly thorough ingoing condition reports.
  • Careful procedure driven processing of tenancy applications.


  • Nelson Bay Real Estate is located in large prominent building in the heart of town. Our "walk-in" enquiry alone provides hundreds of tenancy enquiries a month.
  • Tilligerry Real Estate is now open at Tanilba Bay. From our first month we have been receiving tenant enquiry from each office for the other area. This doubles your market exposure. All vacant properties are advertised across both offices.

What this means is:

  • Regular inspections give a clear record of the property condition, making it easier to differentiate between "wear and tear" and damage.
  • Less time between tenants.
  • Less than 1% rental arrears.
  • More income and lower expenses. Higher annual returns.
  • Disputes are more easily resolved (less then one tribunal visit per year on average across all of our managements)
  • Owning an investment property does not have to be stressful!

Is your property already leased?

Changing over to Nelson Bay Real Estate or Tilligerry Real Estate is easy! Completing the form below is the hardest part.

(Sometimes people don't believe us, but it really is simple. We will do all the running around. After you give us the go-ahead, we will contact the past agent and arrange to collect the tenancy paperwork and the keys, speak with your tenant, and contact fair trading regarding the bond).

Still need more convincing?

Check out our  GUIDE FOR PROPERTY INVESTORS with more information on how our Property Management System works (a clever graphic designer put this together for us, so it's much prettier and easier to read than this webpage is).

Looking for an agent that will care for your property?

You've found us! Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch as soon as we read the email. Alternatively, call us on 02 4981 2655 (Nelson Bay Real Estate) or 02 4039 9800 (Tilligerry Real Estate).

This form can also be used to request a rental appraisal and/or a Full Information Pack 

Property Management FAQs

Why is property management important?

Property management is important because it provides a range of services that help property owners manage their properties effectively. Property managers can help to ensure that a property is maintained, secure and rented to tenants who are reliable and responsible. Property managers also handle the collection of rent, resolving tenant issues and marketing the property to potential tenants. By using a property management service, property owners can save time and money and avoid many of the headaches that come with managing a rental property. At Nelson Bay Real Estate, we also guarantee regular routine inspections by experienced property managers, comprehensive rent reviews, thorough ingoing condition reports and procedure driven processing of tenancy applications.

What types of properties do you manage?

We manage a wide range of properties, including residential, commercial and industrial properties. Our team of property managers can manage everything from small apartments and homes to large office buildings and warehouses. We can provide property management services for single properties or multiple properties, depending on the needs of our clients.

How will you find tenants for my property?

We use a range of marketing strategies to find tenants for our clients' properties. Our methods include:

  • Listing properties on popular rental websites and social media platform
  • Traditional marketing methods such as print availability lists and signage
  • Utilising our database of potential tenants looking for rental properties
  • Conducting open inspections to showcase the property to prospective tenants
  • And more!

How long will it take to rent my property?

The amount of time it takes to rent a property can vary depending on several factors, such as the location and condition of the property, and the rental price. At Nelson Bay Real Estate, we work hard to market our clients' properties effectively and find tenants as quickly as possible, while also prioritising finding the right tenant for each property.

What will you do to rent my property?

We take a comprehensive approach to renting properties. Our services include marketing the property, conducting open inspections, screening potential tenants, preparing and executing lease agreements, collecting rent and managing any required maintenance or repairs. We also conduct regular property inspections to ensure that the property is being well-maintained and that tenants are complying with the terms of the lease agreement. Our goal is to take care of all the details of renting the property so that our clients can focus on other things.

How do property inspections work?

Property inspections are an important part of our property management services. We conduct routine inspections of our clients' properties to ensure that they are being well-maintained and that any issues are addressed promptly. During an inspection, we’ll typically walk through the property, taking note of any maintenance or repair needs, checking for signs of damage and ensuring tenants are complying with the terms of the lease agreement. We’ll then provide a report to the property owner, outlining any issues that need to be addressed.

Why should I choose your company instead of another?

At Nelson Bay Real Estate, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality property management services to our clients. We have a team of experienced and knowledgeable property managers dedicated to helping our clients achieve their goals.

Rental Appraisal

Are you looking for an agency to manage your property investment? Use this form to order a FREE RENTAL APPRAISAL or to request an INFORMATION PACK including an outline of our management fees.

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